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About us
Muzej popularnih i supkultura je nevladina organizacija osnovana 2020. u Beogradu sa ciljem delovanja u oblasti popularnih i supkultura podstičući kreativnu edukaciju i kritičko mišljenje u oblasti popularnih i supkultura kroz izložbe, radionice, projekte, programe i celokupnu animacionu, kreativnu i srodnu delatinost. Delatnost muzeja se ogleda i u stvaranju kreativne i podsticajne atmosfere za prevazilaženje predrasuda prema i/ili između popularnih i supkultura kao i ohrabrivanje saradnje i produkcije umetničkih i kreativnih dela. Muzej nastoji da otvori kreativni i istraživački prostor za rad stručnjaka u oblasti kulture (kulturologa, sociologa kulture, antropologa kulture, komunikologa, andragoga, teoretičara savremene umetnosti i stručnjaka srodnih zanimanja) i da na taj način podiže svest o važnosti ovih zanimanja koja su česno nedovoljno zastupljena u društvu.
Šta mogu da očekujem kao istraživač\ica?
Kao istraživač/ica imaćeš priliku da objaviš jedan od već pripremljenih radova ili da napišeš potpuno novi! Tvoj rad biće objavljen u sklopu publikacije ovogodišnjeg istraživačkog ciklusa Muzeja popularnih i supkultura. Kako to izgleda možeš pogledati u našoj prvoj publikaciji ,,Kemp u nama i mi u kempu!”, koja je dostupna na našem sajtu.
Ove godine teme će biti vezane za dvehiljadite godine sa fokusom na popularne i supkulture, a detaljnije informacije o oblastima u kojima možeš prijaviti svoje radove, pronaći ćeš u daljem tekstu.
U ciklusu pod nazivom ,,Back2Basics” želeli bismo da podstaknemo najrazličitije radove na potpuno drugačije teme, i zato ohrabrujemo tebe da prijaviš zanimljv rad koji si želeo/la da objaviš (ili istražiš) a nisi imao/la prilike do sad. Možda je baš ovo taj pravi trenutak. :)
Tokom trajanja istraživačkog dela ciklusa imaćeš prilike da radiš na osnovu prethodno utvrđenih rokova, finaliziraš jedinstven rad na osnovu tvog predloga i učestvuješ u kreativnoj, radnoj atmosferi muzejske ekipe. Takođe, imaćeš prilke za horizontalnu mentorsku podršku i saradnju sa drugim kolegama, kao i konsultacije i kreativnu diskusiju sa ljudima različitih stepena obrazovanja i istraživačkog iskustva.
Who can apply?
• Student or graduate of all levels of study in the field of social and related sciences (culturology, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, communication, andragogy, art theory ...)
• If you are interested in topics of popular and subcultures, and you come from other areas that are not listed in the ad, feel free to apply and show your unique perspective through your application!
What do I need to apply?
It is obligatory to send:
• Short work / volunteer / creative biography - in .pdf (.jpg) or .doc format with the necessary information (studies, degree of study, interests, previous experience, etc.)
• Cover letter - Why do you want to join our team? What do you want to learn and explore new and what is it that you want to contribute to this project? (optional form: text, video, audio ...)
• Topic and short summary - working title, short summary of the research subject, methodology you would like to apply in your research, theories and research questions or hypotheses. (A4 format up to two pages in short lines).
It is desirable (optional) to send:
• Previous research papers on related and similar topics;
• Papers that are not strictly research (journalistic articles, reviews, blogs, video and audio articles ...) on topics of popular cultures and subcultures;
• Description of work experience in the non-governmental sector or private or state in the field of culture;
• References and contact persons;
What topics can I research?
Topics can be suggested and researched in the following areas:
- Understanding of camp culture (topics concerning the definition of camp, characteristics, case studies of camp, phenomena from popular culture, etc.);
- History of Kemp in Serbia (it should not be a historical account of Kemp in Serbia, you can deal with a certain period, eg "Kemp and the interwar period"; "Appearances of kemp in the early nineties" or comparatively "Kemp in 2010 2000im '' ...)
- Camp and gender perspective (eg "Representation of the female body in the camp", "Camp and transgenderism", "Masculinity and camp" ..),
These are just general examples of topics, so feel free to let your imagination run wild and choose a topic that is interesting to you and suggest it in your own way. We appreciate unique ideas and original proposals with a clear structure.
What topics can I research?
Topics can be suggested and researched in the following areas:
- Understanding of camp culture (topics concerning the definition of camp, characteristics, case studies of camp, phenomena from popular culture, etc.);
- History of Kemp in Serbia (it should not be a historical account of Kemp in Serbia, you can deal with a certain period, eg "Kemp and the interwar period"; "Appearances of kemp in the early nineties" or comparatively "Kemp in 2010 2000im '' ...)
- Camp and gender perspective (eg "Representation of the female body in the camp", "Camp and transgenderism", "Masculinity and camp" ..),
These are just general examples of topics, so feel free to let your imagination run wild and choose a topic that is interesting to you and suggest it in your own way. We appreciate unique ideas and original proposals with a clear structure.
What topics can I research?
Topics can be suggested and researched in the following areas:
- Understanding of camp culture (topics concerning the definition of camp, characteristics, case studies of camp, phenomena from popular culture, etc.);
- History of Kemp in Serbia (it should not be a historical account of Kemp in Serbia, you can deal with a certain period, eg "Kemp and the interwar period"; "Appearances of kemp in the early nineties" or comparatively "Kemp in 2010 2000im '' ...)
- Camp and gender perspective (eg "Representation of the female body in the camp", "Camp and transgenderism", "Masculinity and camp" ..),
These are just general examples of topics, so feel free to let your imagination run wild and choose a topic that is interesting to you and suggest it in your own way. We appreciate unique ideas and original proposals with a clear structure.